Make A Donation

All of my life I've dreamed of being able to make a difference and help those who truly need it.  But, never did I have the opportunity to really reach out and help people on a personal basis the way I did with BOC. When I went on a medical trip to Haiti, I was able to really feel like I had accomplished something great.  We were able to give love and medical care to those that are unfortunately unable to get either. We might not have helped EVERYONE but we did help over 1,400 people in one week, and every little bit counts. If you share a similar dream, I encourage to join up with us and help one person at a time, one step at a time, one day at a time.

~Ian Bates


Donate Goods

Bread of Compassion is looking for a wide-variety of donations:
• Airline miles – to help medical personnel get to Haiti
• Financial contributions of stocks or annuities
• Bandages and gauze – no band-aids
• Medical supplies  (for a list of supplies needed contact our office)
• Bars of antibacterial soap
• Deworming medication
• Latex gloves – medical grade
• Multivitamins for adults and children
• Pain relievers – ibuprofen and Tylenol – no aspirin
• Toothbrushes and toothpaste
• Coloring books and crayons
• Soccer balls – deflated

Many supplies like food and clothing are purchased more economically once we arrive in Haiti.

We also welcome the “donation” of time and talents!  We rely on volunteers to:
• Collect and organize supplies
• Coordinate fundraisers
• Spread the word on social networks and by having Bread of Compassion volunteers speak to their groups

To make a donation of goods or your time, please contact our office